Blog types to write for your business

A successful blog = huge growth for your business online. That’s why you should always be looking to create content for your blog.

Blogs have been essential in just about any successful business’s marketing strategy. It’s allowed small, local businesses to scale nationally, and the biggest brands in the world to make sure they keep their amazing online presence.

You can grow your business’ online presence by writing blogs. And it amazes me every time when I look at businesses who sat there clueless as to how they could get more visitors landing on their website – by writing blogs!

But if it was easy, every one would be doing it.

Blog writing is hard work, but if you could get inspired to write a blog or to hire a professional blog writer, then who knows what results you could achieve.

Why isn’t everyone is writing blogs? Or if they do, why aren’t they getting results from their blog content?

One of the toughest parts to blog writing is being able to keep a blog going. Coming up with ideas and publishing high quality content regularly is extremely difficult too for those are are not copywriters.

Coming up with ideas for blog posts for your business alone is difficult. It takes a lot of research and a really creative mind to stand out with your blog content.

And whether you’re a founder trying to do everything, or a marketing manager doing the entirety of your marketing, focusing on one area, like your blog, is hard. Especially when you’ve got the rest of the website to manage, and all of your other digital channels, and everything else you’ve got to do.

You probably have half baked ideas, or nice ideas that would be good if you had the time to execute them. But nothing concrete to put on your content calendar. Or worse, you don’t have a content calendar!

But you’re not alone in this struggle. People talk about burnout or writer’s block, but you can’t even get off the starting line with your blog content.

Before we kick off, are blogs still worth it?

Yes, they are. Blogs, and all content types, are definitely worth it.

Blog content in particular is what we call evergreen in most cases. That means its content that can sit there for a long period and still be relevant to your business and readers.

The stats show blogs are still worth it

Around 77% of all internet users read blogs on a regular basis.

Businesses with blogs have their web pages indexed over 400% more often than a business without a blog does. When it comes to ranking, having Google index your site is the best way to reach the top of the page. When you’re at the top, you’re the first thing a potential customer sees.

Make sure to find out more about SEO for your business.

If you’ve got a blog, you also stand to gain 55% more visitors than a similar company without one. If you’re in a competitive niche, it’s your ability to harness written, long-form content that’ll make you stand out from the crowd.

What topics are good to blog about?

Funny enough, you know this better than I or anyone does. You know what topics you should cover as a business.

You’ll know what topics and themes you can write about to stretch your knowledge and show what your business does, while offering content that’s useful to your readers/customers.

However, you may not know what type of blog content to produce. That’s where you have many options and where you need to get creative.

How to decide on your topics to blog about

Take both what you do as a business (your services or products) and what your customers biggest questions or issues are. Then you can start coming up with good relevant blog topics.

Then decide when writing about a topic what position your customer is in – are they gathering information, looking for a quick answer, looking for a solution (your product or service), or looking for light reading/entertainment.

When you have all of the above worked out, that’s when you can get creative with the blog type you’re going to write around a topic.

Content ideas for business owners

When it comes to creating top notch website content, you should write to build a connection. You need to adopt a tone and style that makes sense for who you are as a brand, and for the audience you’re trying to connect with.

What that means for idea generation is simple: write what your audience wants to read. Give them advice and expert opinion, give them something interesting and fun to read, and follow it up with product examples they can depend on.

The best thing about blog content is its lenient style of writing. Most brands write conversationally and can go beyond the strict confides of their brand, which is always a nice change.

Make sure to check out our list of blog ideas to try out below

Industry news

If you write about industry news, on the hour whenever it releases, you can really get an influx of readers to your website. As long as its relevant, it may even earn you some enquiries or sales.

New products and services, changes in ownership, new companies, results of research – anything that has an impact on your industry’s landscape.

This is content that targets all steps of the sales funnel. Not only does this increase traction towards your niche, but it can also turn your blog into a one stop shop for your audience. Include industry news in your content calendar on a monthly basis and you can soon become a reliable and reputable source.

And make sure to share your industry news blog on your social media – it’ll be a topical post which could get some traction on social too.


Hosting interviews can can really create some brilliant comments to feature on your blog. By creating content like this, you can cover deep and interesting questions, and get responses that are different to what you might have said. Best of all, you can answer questions that your audience will already be asking.

Talk to fellow experts within your industry. Tell them what you’re thinking, why you’d love to talk, and how an interview can provide value to your shared audience.

How to guides

How to guides are incredibly popular as a blog type because one of the most popular searches online is ‘how to’ do something.

If you as a business can provide a guide to your customers on how to do something, and it offers you a business benefit to offer this insight, what a combo! All you need are clear step by step instructions and some pictures to give a visual demonstration, and you’re good to go.

A customer searching for how to wants to do something or wants to know how easy it is to do something. But there’s a good intent there to do whatever it is they want to learn to do.

How to guides are good for all industries, but they’re particularly great for websites that sell products or even those that offer a physical service, like a tradesman or woman.

Your how to blog could give step by steps on solving a problem, which includes your service or product as part of the how to steps.


Trends are always a popular piece of content. People love trends and they want to know them before they’re even trends, and they’re nosey as to what other people are doing.

Trends change all the time, so there’s a lot of content on offer here. You can write from within the industry and talk about trends from statistical research. This means you can highlight what you find interesting and/or poignant.

Or you can write from your own observations, taken from the data you’ve collected as a business. And you can be sure this is a content type you can come back to time and time again.


Lists are super easy to read and a brilliant type of blog to write for your search engine optimisation (SEO). Your readers can scan through them quickly, looking at the images and short punchy supporting text.

The best thing about listicles is all industries can write listicle content. You just need products, points, tips, or ideas, and in depth details to compare them.

We’ve all seen listicle posts before. They’re typically long pieces of content but written in a short and snappy way. They’re a visual type of content, packed with images and perfect for getting readers to fall into a rabbit hole clicking from one to another or scrolling through your listicle blog post.

Writing compelling headings with supporting paragraph text with each image is the way to write this one. If you write too much content and the listicle list is a big bulk of text, you’ll lose people and they’ll click off the blog.

A good to know about listicles: a listicle post is much more likely to target customers at the top of the funnel. The content is usually ideation stage. The readers wants ideas and information, they’re not necessarily at the point of buying. Yet. But, you can still funnel them by linking to other content to offer them more value and slowly work them through the enquiry or purchase.

Ideas and inspiration

People love ideas, mostly because these types of blogs offer your readers a lot of options and what other people like them have done.

A lot of ideas pieces are written like a normal style, but they are typically written like listicles (the blog post above!). They’re another good way to inspire customers towards a purchase, but they’re far less structured in format.

And if you can loop in your products, services or handiwork, then even better. It’s a soft sell where you can like images do the selling for you.

Case study

A case study is an in depth reading into a certain sale, or a certain customer you’ve worked with. It’s all bout setting the scene and then showing the results your client achieved with you. Writing one is a great chance to show off what you can do.

It’s like writing a story. You can tell a brilliant story, and people connect with stories.

You have the chance to prove how beneficial a product or service you offer can really be with evidence.

Case study content is a good choice for B2B businesses most of all. They work well to attract new customers who already know they want to engage in your industry.

We’ve even written up our own case studies – here’s an example of one – SEO for London Child Care Agency.

Problem solving

In your line of work, your customers will face issues, it’s essential for there to be content online to support them. Problem solving content leans on an issue your customers are having and they need help.

If you can solve their issue then this will get you on the right foot with them. And if your product or service solves their issue, even better, include it in your content.

Writing a problem solving article requires in-depth knowledge of the issue and the ability to discuss the issue in minute detail. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your knowledge and earn the trust of your reader. Best of all, work your product or services in as a solution and you can convert readers into customers or sales!

Customer stories

People connect with stories, especially success stories!

Creating content surrounding your customers is an excellent way to make use of your target market. And people connect with people, so using real people in your stories will connect with your readers.

You can directly target new leads using an idea like this. Prove you know what your average customers look like and what they really want. In doing so, you put the spotlight on them.

If you write about how they had a problem, how that problem made them feel and how it impacted their lives, you set the scene. And it may even be your reader is in the same situation.

Then, move onto how your product or service helped them. The end result will be a great sell to your reader.


Opinion pieces have a lot of room. And if you can really dig deep into your opinion and convey it in a well written blog, you can really connect with readers and get attention for your business.

They’re not just for journalists filling out 4 page spreads. They’re also great for business owners like you to share their experience.

You can use an opinion piece to target new industry trends and give your thoughts, as well as get involved in the hype surrounding the latest news. Opinion pieces can take your SEO in new and interesting directions.

Be sure to include as many facts and figures in your writing to back up your opinion and give it weight. You know where you’re coming from, but the point is to get that across to your audience as well. Proof that you know what you’re talking about is the best way to convert someone from a reader into a paying customer.

Expert advice piece

There’s a lot of misinformation online, put them right with an expert advice piece.

Writing as an expert is another way to share your opinion, but this time your words are more targeted. A blog post like this can help you to shine as a thought leader in your industry and gives your users/buyers a chance to benefit from your experience.

If you’ve been in the industry a long time, you can answer burning questions and soothe worries you may see floating across platforms like social media.

Writing expert advice can also increase your chance for backlinks. If you can shed light on something the industry finds complicated and support with facts and figures, you can improve your SEO standing. Authority equals linking, and that equals a higher ranking.

Answer questions

When people Google stuff online, they usually ask a question. So your could write a blog post around answering a question. It could be ‘Why does X happen?’, it could be ‘How to get the most out of X’, or even ‘How much does X cost?’.

Every website usually has an FAQ section for customers to peruse through. However, don’t just leave it there. You can post Q&A type content on a regular basis in order to target someone who wants to buy but isn’t sure or is taking their time.

Answer your readers’ questions and any other related questions on the main topic, and you’ll offer something at least one competitor is sure not to!

This is also an amazing way to target SEO keywords, as you’ll expand on certain points about your product, such as what it’s good for, how it’s made, and what it costs. People want to know these things, and will hit Google search day and night for answers.

Features and benefits

You can lead with the features and follow up with the benefits, making them simple for all customers to see and understand.

Features can range from potential uses to problems they’re designed to solve and the benefits are the outcomes your product leads to. Follow this pattern of feature to benefit.

For example, if you were a bespoke clothing company, you’d naturally mention the quality of a material and the weave you use. But don’t leave it there. Why is this particular weave good? Does it create a more snug fit, or does it make the item last longer? What does it mean for the customer?

Guest posts

If you’ve written expert advice and opinion pieces yourself, you can also host other industry experts and thought leaders in order to share your audience. Another good form of soft selling, this is the ultimate form of exposure for small businesses.

Influencers exist in all niches, and you can work closely with them to craft unique content all interested parties would love to read. This could also lead to further guest posting in future through opening up the network.

Comparisons – ‘vs’ articles

Comparison posts are good for targeting those people who have products in mind and want to buy imminently. But they just don’t know which to buy, yet.

Writing comparisons is very popular for the current shopping generation, who want to be sure they’re getting the best deal. If you line competing products up side by side, you can talk about the benefits of choosing to buy from you over anyone else.

Put it plainly for those at the ‘interest’ stage of the funnel to guide them down towards the ‘purchase’ stage. Go into both pros and cons to keep the comparison fair, but ensure your call to action mentions again that your product is the most balanced choice.

Survey/experiment findings

If you recently released a survey or asked for feedback from your customers, craft a full write up once the results are in. From thoughts on a recent product to their opinion on industry trends, you can post findings of any kind.

Data is a powerful piece of evidence when you’re writing blog content. Anyone can write content, but not everyone can provide insightful data on a topic.

You can relate to your audience with a post like this, proving that their interactivity is welcomed. An actively encouraged customer base is a loyal one!

Then remind them to get involved again through your CTA to make this a repeat idea you can delve into again in the future.

Use our blog writing template for success with your blog post ideas

Generating ideas for blog posts for your business is one thing. Putting those ideas into practice is another, and that can hold up your online production line.

Whatever you write needs to be high quality, satisfying, and valuable – great content can increase blog traffic by up to 2000%.

But great content doesn’t just happen. Which is why we’ve made the content creation process easier for you. Check out our blog writing template.

The template was made with small businesses like yours

Blog writing cheat sheet

It includes all the factors you need to consider when writing a blog, such as who you’re writing for, SEO keywords, and how to craft a punchy call to action at the end.

Give it a go! With a proper outline to follow, you’ll find out just how satisfying creating your own content can be.

Or if you’re pinched for time, let us help out by writing your posts for you!

We’re content creators with years of experience, and we’d be happy to formulate new ideas and turn them into creative and interesting content your audience will love.

As a result of our writing in the past, websites that received around 300 visitors a year now receive over 10,000. If you like our template, you’ll love the way we write blog posts in full!

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