Soving the content problem for designers - outsource your content and copywriting

Firstly, respect to you as a designer or developer! You’re awesome in providing creative solutions to improve digital experiences. And you guys are always my favourite people to work with, whether teaming up on a project or creating content for your own website.

Back to the topic of this blog – I can help you to solve the biggest bottleneck in your current design and development process – gathering content for your designs.

Make your life easier by letting us solve the ‘content problem’

Whatever your speciality; websites, apps or software, there is one common factor that makes a difference in its effectiveness = the quality of the copy you receive.

Without content there’s no design. Or a lack of quality for your design.

Without content there’s no experience for your digital product.

Stop relying on customers to give you content. They’ll be left scrabbling around once you’re finished with a design and deliver poor quality copy.

It’s better to let us, UX copywriters, take care of your content.

The online world is growing – looks like you web designers will be busy

There are over 2 billion websites and counting.

By the time I had finished writing my previous sentence and read back over it, the number had grown by 1000.

How many of those additional websites could be new business for you?

A lot.

If you’re looking to scale your business, you need to solve the content problem. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck with delayed projects or worse, you as a designer wasting time, trying and failing, to write content for your clients.

Finally create an effective website design project workflow with content

If you find yourself:

  • Working at snail’s pace, because managing both design and content creation significantly slows down the design process
  • Struggling to design something spectacular without a clear message or quality website content
  • Left to source content in the design process, or worse, trying to write content for a client
  • Requiring a content designer to support you with the look and feel of the website

Then you need to sort the content problem by working with content writers.

Nothing stalls the creative process quite like the curse of lorem ipsum. 

Instead of struggling on alone with developing and designing websites with no copy, outsource the content to professional copywriters. It takes the pressure off of you and the client.

The benefits of outsourcing your copywriting

Quality content will help to inspire you on the design.

With the final-approved content from a professional copywriter in your grasp right at the beginning, you can wireframe just the once. It’ll save you time, stress and delays later in the project.

Having well-thought-out content for a website that has been written with user experience and SEO in mind, will also improve the overall performance of the website once it goes live. That makes you look good!

We’ve worked at design agencies previously, so we know all too well the difficulty for web designers and developers when they’re left to gather content from clients or attempting to design a website with zero content. 

If the website that you’re developing doesn’t have its goals and target audience clearly defined, it can be difficult for you to determine what type of content is needed.

Even when content is delivered on time, it may not be complete or accurate, especially if it has come from the client themselves. You may then need to spend time editing or revising the content to ensure that it meets the needs of the website.

Poor quality content will detract from the overall quality of the website.  

Improving your relationship with content in the design process

Wireframes for web design

You’re not a website content writer, so if your client has no content – or doesn’t know where to start – you need to be able to advise them around the importance of content.

In the past you might have resisted that conversation if you’re not comfortable talking about it and then offering a content solution to the client.

The solution to your content problems is that we work with you to provide your clients with high quality website content, which in turn will help you to create stronger website designs.

After all, accepting writing support saves you time and resources – so you don’t have to spend hours struggling with content or revisions.

Spend more time on what you’re best at 

We are open to working with any type of client and producing any form of copy you require.

Our online white label content writing services are extremely useful for eCommerce sites, business site, apps, one-page websites, anything. Everything we create online more or less requires content of some sort.

Our white label content services bring your clients’ brand to life through the power of the right words, at the right time – and our expert SEO white label copywriters will ensure that your clients’ website has the best start to life by optimising the opportunity for high search engine rankings.

You’re not a writer. You’re a designer or developer. You shouldn’t be expected to gather content for clients.

Our content marketing services are tailored to each project and do not require any contract to complete – they’re very much a service to use as and when content writing or copywriting is required.

Depending on the size of your web development company, you may have your own writing team in-house. With an additional writer who is flexible with their work, you can balance the work in-house and create stronger content for your clients.

Become a content-first designer

Beginning with content is better for the user experience. And for the website. And, well, for everyone.

Using content eliminates lorem ipsum. Do you need another reason?

Ok, ok. The content-first approach provides design constraints from the get-go, which helps you with fewer revisions later down the line.

Having the content first gives you a clear understanding of the content that will be displayed on the website – this helps you to create a design that effectively communicates that content to the target audience.

We’ve written a lengthier piece on why content-first is key, just here:

Website Design Vs. Content: Which Should You Do First?

How Developers can benefit from working with a copywriter

Exactly the same as designers. Developers can run into all sorts of issues in the development process.

I’m sure you would rather spend time on developing and solving issues than focusing on the content on the website or software you’re developing!

Web, software or app content/copy cannot be ignored

It’s not all just about website content though. Any other digital product needs a UX copywriter or content designer to make the user experience the best they can be.

A new platform, an intranet, or an app, copy is required.

The users (customers or employees) will always require content as guidance. This is the main purpose of it, so it’s essential that you work with a content or copy writer to ensure the messaging supports your users.

Designers and developers are extremely imaginative and technically proficient when it comes to creating a product to suit their client.

But if writing isn’t your strong point, then don’t run the risk of alienating your product and users. You need to connect them through copy.

How outsourcing your content works

This is easily done through our white label content service.

Some good to knows:

  1. You will be your client’s one point of contact for the whole project. We won’t reach out to them.
  2. Your client won’t know about us or know who we are – all drafts shared can be in your brand or no brand association.
  3. We will give you a content brief to pass on to your client to send back to us before we start the content. We may be able to get a lot of the content info from your own design brief.
  4. You and your client can edit and comment on the final draft up to 3 times.

In an ideal world, you and your copywriter should be involved in the website project early to start the lines of communication.

Think about things like:

  • Developing a creative brief that outlines the project’s priorities and ultimate goals.
  • Deciding on the most important messaging points.
  • Choosing what you want the website users to do during navigation, and when.
  • Creating a style guide inclusive of visual identity, voice, and tone.
  • Defining the personality of the client’s website and overall feel.
  • Giving the copywriter an opportunity to provide input on the designs, and you give your opinions on the copy.

When this happens, the copywriter can more easily write with the right style and tone, and the designer can make more effective choices of images, layout, and website colours.

Do you need a content writer or copywriter?

There is a fine line between content writing and copywriting, but the main difference being:

  • Content writing is manufacturing language for website pages.
  • Copywriting is predominantly writing copy in a shorter form in the style of blogs, adverts, product descriptions, emails, and mobile apps.

We specialise in website content, UX copywriting and content design.

I spent 7 years at agency level as a senior copywriter and content marketing manager for design agencies.

I saw the struggles around content before joining, and once I was part of the team, projects progressed smoothly with a content first approach. Those clients who decided not to move forward with a copywriter were always delayed.

Here at TJ, we write to get a message across, but we also write to create the best possible user experience, and ensure all copy is optimised for SEO.

Don’t let content be an afterthought for the websites you produce; both design and content must work together in tandem to complement each other for the best possible result for your clients.

Let’s discuss your content needs.

Got a question for us?

We’re just an email, call, text or social message away!

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