Different types of copywriter

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to up your marketing game, it can be pretty overwhelming to know what type of copywriting service you need.

To begin to understand what type of copywriting service you need, it’s essential to know exactly what copywriting is.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is a specialist style of writing intended to influence your users / customers / consumers into buying your product or service, or supporting your cause, or whatever your end goal is.

What does a copywriter do?

A copywriter will improve your business’ communications with new and existing customers. All the content produced is tailored to your business, and more importantly, shaped for your target audience.

The answer to the question you really want to know – how much does a copywriter cost?

The day rate for an experienced copywriter is around £350 – £500.

For more information on the cost to work with a copywriter, check out our full list of freelance copywriter rates in the UK!

The biggest question, why does your business even need a copywriter?

Well, think about where copywriting can be seen. Copy is everywhere!

  • It’s online – in the form of website content, social media, pop-ups, banners, emails, videos, memes, graphics, animations. The list is endless.
  • In print – in newspapers, magazines, leaflets & brochures
  • In physical advertising spaces – billboards, poster sites, public transport
  • And anywhere else you can think of – radio, TV

All of the above places are marketing methods to connect with your potential consumers. But more importantly, they’re platforms to get your brand out there. And how do you get noticed? Through your messaging (copywriting)!

Your messaging on any of these platforms can be created by copywriters working in a variety of places; an independent copywriter, a team of copywriters, or a copywriter on behalf of an agency.

Whatever method of marketing you’re looking to embrace, you will need to team up with a copywriter.

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The different types of copywriting

There’s not one copywriting service fits all. Copywriters have a specialist area. For us it’s all things to do with digital, marketing and advertising. You’ll learn below what our copywriters do not cover.

It’s not completely essential to know exactly what kind of copywriter you need, but it’s good to know what options you have available to you.

Sales copywriting

Copy that sells, it’s as simple as that.

Where exactly sales copywriting appears, quite a lot of places actually. You could argue that a lot of content online is sales copywriting, but there is a subtle difference between sales and informational copywriting (typically more known as web content writing).

Sales copywriting typically appears in the form:

  • Messaging on adverts
  • Advertorials online or in magazines (print)
  • Product & category descriptions

What can a sales copywriter do for you?

Producing sales copy relies on showcasing your business’s uniqueness and tapping into an audience’s subconscious. A sales copywriter will know what your audience wants and write creatively to appeal to them, but persuade them into action.

Sales writers will do their research into your industry and they’ll be able to turn anything complex into something easily digestible for the consumer to read, understand and take action from it. Sales writers also have excellent grammar – mistakes removes trust in your brand.

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SEO copywriting & web content

For any business with a website, Search Engine Optimisation is essential. A big part of any successful SEO campaign is the content strategy. To learn more about SEO, read this, then come back and keep reading here.

There is a lot of misinformation online about SEO, but to truly win at SEO you MUST embrace content. SEO copywriting is the strategic use of keywords or search terms that will help a business be found through the major search engines. The idea is to rank for the search terms with a good search volume each month.

SEO content can be seen in:

SEO content is very strategic and requires additional work beyond writing the copy.

Your SEO writer will have search data available to them to identify keywords that can make a difference to your business by ranking for them. And more importantly, they can see what your potential audiences are searching for online.

Once they have identified the keyword strategy it’s time for them to get creative. SEO copywriting is a mix of website content writing and sales copywriting for businesses. Your copy will have your business’s personality, whilst playing on what makes your consumers tick. They’ll get into the mindset of your existing and potential customers to relate with them, think like them and understand exactly what they want/need. On top of this, it will be optimised with the keywords they identified.

The mistakes that a lot of inexperienced SEOs make even today is they stuff content with keywords. Some amateurs even write boring content just to put content out for the sake of it. No one wants to read boring content. And Google doesn’t like ranking boring content either.

Digital copy is an ROI machine

The online content created will live forever, or at least, for as long as you want to use it. Think about it, from a long term perspective, the cost per conversion organically generated for content will begin quite high. But with the support of SEO, fast forward 3 months, 6 months, one year, two years or even five years, the cost you paid to produce the content will have effectively been written off from the sales it has generated for you over that period.

Compare digital content creation with paid ads or printed media. The longevity of digital content means that after the initial investment into the creation and optimisation of the content, you won’t need to continue paying off the content once it’s ranking.

  • For paid ads you’re continuously paying for clicks.
  • For advertisement (billboards, TV, radio) you’ve paid for placement and that expires eventually (unless you have a huge budget to keep it going).
  • For print media, you’ve paid for copy and design on a flyer or brochure, which ended up being out dated within a few months, or even ended up in landfill (recycle your junk people!).

Digital content can be left to mature with SEO. In time it’ll pull in organic traffic and conversion.

You can even edit and update it whenever you need to without wasting budget (unless you need a thorough rewrite, then you will need a copywriter).

Content costs 62% less than traditional marketing, but generates 3 times as many leads!

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This is a style of copywriting we at TJ Creative unfortunately do not provide. This is a very specialist style of copywriting, usually completed by a writer who has vast knowledge with your sector.

Technical copywriting is still to produce content that promotes a company’s findings or values, but is usually much more in-depth and written as a real specialist piece. It appears in:

  • White papers
  • In-depth industry guides
  • In-depth online articles
  • Magazine features

Technical writing is something we’ve been approached for many times in the past, but it’s not something that any advertorial or marketing copywriter can produce. The kind of profile you need for a technical copywriter is someone who knows the nitty-gritty of your product/sector.

Technical writing covers a broad range of specialist topic areas, including science, environment, health, finance, FinTech, politics and government.

Technical writers are a rare-breed. They’re the mix of hugely knowledgeable in whatever sector you’re in, but a fantastic communicator who can simplify any complex topic. Excellent grammar is a must, as well as knowing how best to relay facts and reference statistics correctly.

Creative copywriting

Now this is our jam. We’re a creative bunch here, this translates across our specialisation in online content and digital marketing copy and content writing.

Creative copywriting is what a lot of businesses crave. Beyond digital content, creative copywriting is seen mostly in jingles and commercials. It goes hand in hand with advertising for radio, TV and print (magazines, billboards and more). Creatives will have a great understanding of buyer psychology and be able to think fast and outside the box.

They may actually spend more time coming up with creative concepts than actually writing to begin with. Their writing though will be awesome once they have their main concept and start coming up with content ideas for you whilst they experiment with the concept through wording.

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Public relations is not something we cover unfortunately here at TJ Creative. PR is however an essential ingredient to businesses looking for exposure.

PR covers anything that represents a business or organisation to the public. The content produced in any PR campaign includes press releases and statements. PR is effective for portraying your company in the best light. It’s also great for raising awareness of a new product or service, even your new business.

PR copywriters write in a neutral, journalistic tone of voice, getting across all the key points. PR is though to be quite a traditional marketing approach, but when completed correctly by a professional who knows the right people in the press, it can be hugely beneficial. It moves beyond printed media too, digital PR is a key ingredient to success in PR.

If you would like to explore PR, then do reach out to us as we can put you in touch with a number of great PR agencies and writers.

Your key takeaway from this

Any copy that you see exists for a reason. There’s always a purpose to what’s written. Copywriting grasps that purpose and brings it to life through copy.

Still unsure on what copywriter you need to work with for your business?

Drop us a message, we’ll be more than happy to guide you.

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